A premium quality preschool education doesn’t come at a huge cost to parents. Fees are kept affordable with government and community support.
Donations help the centre improve the lives of children. Donations help to underwrite costs such as educational material, food and other operational costs. Donations are tax deductible. For every S$1 donated to us, S$2.50 will be deducted from your taxable income.
People who contribute to non-profit organisations, have a right to know how their money is being used and who is using it.
Child at Street 11 is careful about the way money is spent. More than 80 per cent of revenue goes to programmes, such as education, while the remaining amount goes towards paying for administration costs and general expenses.

Charity Status
Registration No: 1363
Charity Registration date: 30 April 1999
Company Limited by Guarantee
Date of Establishment:15 March 1995
Registry of Companies and Businesses Registration No: 199501798C
Institution of Public Character (IPC) status
Effective date: 17 March 2003
A member of National Council of Social Service
Financial Report
Annual report
Voices from The Parents